Beautiful Kitchen
cook your Christmas dinner in this beautiful Kitchen
Modern appliances
Porcelain Backsplash, Lots of countertop space and sufficient kitchen cabinets

Master Suite
Lots of Windows for Lighting
Master Suite
This bedroom is fit for a King and Queen Large room to unwind and relax

Custome designed real wood closet
Master Bathroom
Light your candles and take a bath in a Grand Master Bathroom
Bedroom 2
2nd Bedroom for those moments of rest and relaxation
Spacious Bedroom 3
Linen Closet
Washroom Area
Large Back Yard
This backyard has a porch on the storage shed for memorable barbeques, a dog house and a healthy green lawn to relax and play.
Storage Shed in back
This can be used as an outside bar or cooking area
Metal Roof spanish desingn
Fenced in Yard for privacy
Grand Entrance
This entrance sets the home apart from all others